9 thoughts on “Page 438

  1. Aname

    “Sleep is a little death, dreams the whisperings of the Other, who would drag us all into his eternal night.” — George R.R. Martin
    “Annoumu Mouthun Asghar, Wal Mouthu Noumun Akbar”
    “The sleep is a small death, and the death is a long sleep”.
    — Qur’an Chapter: 39 (Surah Azzumar), verse: 42
    “Sleep – those little slices of death, how I loathe them.”
    — Edgar Allen Poe
    “Death’s little brother” — Homer. “The small death” — Budhha
    Your boss hates sleep, because you cant be at work 24/7.
    Enjoy your sleep. It’s the only escape you get from this world until you leave permanently.

  2. Cname

    Music: 2WEI & Ali Christenhusz & Edda Hayes
    I see trees of green
    Red roses too
    I see them bloom
    For me and you
    And I think to myself
    What a wonderful world…..

    When that which stares back from the other side calls you…you do not always get a choice, but when you do, make sure there is someone to remind you as to why, you should keep fighting.

  3. steven Post author

    I’m working on 4 pages simultaneously, and a bit extra busy with other stuff too, sorry for the delay

    1. Arthur Frayn

      We understand and appreciate your work. Don’t stress about it. We look forward to seeing it when you are ready.

    2. Aname

      At your own pace We don’t want you to burnout, which has happened to others.
      You at least have given us a comment update. Something not required on your behalf, but appreciated on ours. We can wait, it is free entertainment after all. We do not hold you to a schedule.

    3. Keith

      Don’t worry about it. Even if I had you as “artist in residence” or some such like a Medici I wouldn’t pester or bother. I’m weird like that.


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