8 thoughts on “Page 292

  1. One-eyed Mike

    A sad, scary couple. Their skewed sub/dom relationship is careering out of control, with both of the pair teetering off the edge of insanity,

    Beautifully conceived, with a sense of realism that is frightening.

    1. Thracecius

      You said it. This is the kind of travesty that winds up in a news story after everything falls apart and it’s too late for anyone to do anything to help. What Vestine is doing makes my skin crawl and, were she not fictional, would make my blood boil. There is no excuse for abusing a child and that is exactly what Pinkie is, regardless of whether she is an AI capable of things no human child could do.

      Kudos for making Pinkie a sympathetic character, Steven. 🙂

      1. One-eyed Mike

        I’ve watched the characters grow. It’s clear that Vestine cares for Pinkie at some level, just as Pinkie cares for her. But neither of them is sane – in an objective sense, they may be sad not bad.

        That’s not a justification for what she does to Pinkie. However, it may be an explanation for how their abusive relationship developed.

        1. Thracecius

          I think Vestine only cares for Pinkie as a sex object and, perhaps on some level, as some misguided attempt at being a “better mother” than what she grew up with, but if there is any actual emotion besides lust attached to that caring I’d be surprised. With that in mind, I agree with you that neither is sane, but I suspect Pinkie never had the option of “going” insane, she was likely made that way.

        2. A. Nuran

          Except that Vestine is also a megalomaniac mass killer and would be dictator who is trying to take over the world. Mad and bad more than sad


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