10 thoughts on “Page 444

  1. steven Post author

    Seems to be a display problem after I tried reordering a few pages, I’ll wait and see if it updates later, if not I have to edit again sorry

  2. Terrazin

    Not gonna lie, with Vestine gone and Lisa dead, Pinkie has a SLIGHT chance of redemption. I mean, I think Mark could help her being rehabilitated as a “normal” citizen.

    1. steven Post author

      I think it’s ok now in the outward facing, though on my edit page it still shows up with a glitch on 443

      1. Aname

        441, 442 and 443 are still out of wack.
        The train on 443 should be on 441 I think. Then 442 and 443 should be swapped maybe.
        Don’t really know. There are time jumps in there making progression confusing.

        1. Aname

          No, I’m wrong. The train has to do with Lisa’s funeral, not where Pinky landed.
          Looking at it again, yeah it progresses correctly now.
          The time jump at the end of 441 works now.
          Carry on as you were, nothing to see here.

        2. steven Post author

          I think I confused everyone by editing after publishing. I changed some stuff around. Supposed to be a more chronological order: a fade out on the last black-and-white page, then a quick jump to Hong Kong and Denmark on the next page, then back to the actual funeral, 2 last pages, because some time has passed.

    1. steven Post author

      I moved a couple pages around a little there, so not sure if the one you mean is still named 442… 🙂


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