8 thoughts on “Page 41

  1. Weiser

    Oh my Lisa, you got the blues!
    So you encountered Buddy, Buddy’s buddies, the police, the android mafia, and out there are several intelligence services, and they all do not like you! Where are the handsome & young & brave & brilliant & recently widowed American scientist and his cute 7-year-old daughter, badly in need of a caring, beautiful, android nanny that does not drop dead every time when his Erlenmeyer flask explodes?

  2. Catapult

    Hope the low number of responses is not discouraging you. “Android Blues” looks great, but many people of my acquaintance would prefer rapid, regular mediocrity to the slow rate of production for really top-notch art. Just don’t go where Jim Francis has gone with “Outsider”; he hasn’t updated since February 2013.

    1. steven Post author

      Thanks! No I’m not discouraged. I’m back to working on the comic now, I had to go job-searching for a while, I found one so I’m back, I should be updating in a couple days. 🙂

    1. gwright1067

      Love the comic! I know its tough keeping up such high quality work with other priorities like keeping a paying gig, and eating and such. But I hope you can update soon. Patiently waiting.

      1. steven Post author

        Yes sorry I was moving, I still am but now at least I have my family and my cats in our new apartment, next comes my desk and chair so I can resume working at home. 🙂 I hope to be able to resume work this week.

    1. steven Post author

      Thanks! I was moving, now I’m done and I just started working on it again this weekend. I put the first update on Facebook last night, page 42, I’ll put it here too after I revise page 41 a little. 🙂


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