9 thoughts on “Page 350

  1. Red

    Beware, drunken racists and petty muggers, here comes Super Socks! The crime fighting beanie baby of vengeance!
    And his trusty sidekick, an angry asian kid looking for his sex android.

  2. Frank Dumortier

    I am wondering why the colour change of socks. In the past Socks looked bright also in the last images (past) of P350. Now he looks as a dull colourless animal. What is the reason behind this? What’s playing here? Seems Lisa has a good understanding with him but she also has her own private guardian angel.

    1. steven Post author

      Elvis and Socks have been through a few really hard days and maybe got a bit tougher, at least on the outside so to speak, also Socks was just on a stealth mission in enemy territory 🙂


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