10 thoughts on “Page 339

  1. Aname

    No power but the shutter is opening? Someone physically opening it? Sounds like Lisa is getting some help from a third party. Is Elvis not dead and has found her, Elvis and Socks maybe?
    Socks to infiltrate the system and Elvis to physically get Lisa out?

    1. Observer

      No, I recognise that “fiat”, it belongs to the guard droid. And just because the lights went out doesn’t mean that the droid’s own power pack is out too. Or the Command and Control Comms network.

      So the real question is this: who or what is in control of it? Vestine?

        1. Aname

          The leg that is slugging Pinkie is the one that Lisa ripped off of the droid, so Lisa is in control of it. The droid was on its back, left with three legs. It may be able to right itself but the design doesn’t look like it is capable of that. Like some current droids it may be that if it has terrain difficulties it stops and calls for assistance. We’ll see how it pans out.

  2. Terrazin

    Well, that’s pretty much basic robot logic here. For a reason the robot doesn’t know, he stopped “seeing” his target a few moments. A few moments later, he detects a target again. Of course he’d give whatever he can give to hit that target.

  3. Arthur Frayn

    You have two different webpages of comments on each comic. Odd. Anyway I was just rereading from the beginning and on page 35, Vestine says, about Lisa, “We can’t risk M getting her hands on it. Not even a piece.” So M is a possible invisible ally pulling the strings for Lisa making her escape, after her noisy apprehension caught M’s attention. Vestine is likely as incompetent at other aspects of coup de’etat as she is at manipulating androids.

    1. steven Post author

      You’re right that M is a secret ally, and that Vestine isn’t the sharpest tool in the box… 🙂 but M is not pulling the strings, it stands for Mendez, the puppet president Vestine controls, sorry if that was a red herring but everything will be clear on page 342, and 340 is coming soon perhaps Monday 🙂


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