Thales Krüger October 24, 2018 at 2:38 pm Can’t wait for the next page! What day of the month you generally post? Reply ↓
steven Post authorOctober 24, 2018 at 8:53 pm ahem, sorry I don’t keep a schedule, I know I should but I’m afraid it might kill my motivation to continue, you know? Anyway, I’m always trying to work as quickly as I can, never letting too much time pass without some comic work 🙂 Reply ↓
Weiser October 26, 2018 at 10:43 pm Elvis definitely takes more after his mother than his friggin’ father … Reply ↓
Parakeet_Has_Landed August 6, 2019 at 7:25 am 2B! Love it. 🙂 I just happen to be listening to Nier Automata soundtrack music as I’m reading this. How fortuitous! Reply ↓
I really thought it was Maddie 😀
Can’t wait for the next page! What day of the month you generally post?
ahem, sorry I don’t keep a schedule, I know I should but I’m afraid it might kill my motivation to continue, you know? Anyway, I’m always trying to work as quickly as I can, never letting too much time pass without some comic work 🙂
A Dalek!
You made my day, Mr. Stahlberg 🙂
Elvis definitely takes more after his mother than his friggin’ father …
2B! Love it. 🙂 I just happen to be listening to Nier Automata soundtrack music as I’m reading this. How fortuitous!