
17 thoughts on “Archive

  1. Andreas

    That’s waht I call a cliff hanger. Just finished reading the comic from the beginning again.
    following since Page 4
    Greast work, wil it be printed some day?

    1. steven Post author

      Thank you! yes maybe but first I want to finish it, before I start worrying about that part 🙂

    1. steven Post author

      there’s a pdf of the first 187 pages in my ArtStation store, just 1 dollar, but that’s probably not what you meant.
      Yes, some day when it’s all done I will want to print it, I’ll do my best to make it happen 🙂

      1. Bill J. from Austin

        I just discovered this comic about nine hours ago, and binge-read, cover to current page, in one sitting. When my wife gets mad at me for not sleeping, I’m siccing her on you!

        When you decide to go forward with the hard copy, will you use a Kickstarter? I would like to get in on that.

  2. Canageek

    Hey, just found and caught up on the comic- Do you have an RSS feed so I can see when it updates?

    1. steven Post author

      I never used those things myself so I’m not sure how it works, it’s not helpful that the WP interface is so user-unfriendly to comics authors that don’t know anything beyond HTML (it’s fragile and when it breaks it’s impossible for me to fix I have to get outside help every time). So I’m reluctant to touch any settings around here anymore. I thought I did add RSS years ago, but then there was a break and now I don’t know… I guess it’s not working anymore. Sorry, I’ll try to research it.
      Meanwhile, just assume a rate of roughly 2 pages per month. Sorry it’s so slow, I put a lot of work into the art 🙂

  3. Pat

    The RSS feed has three items; which correspond to the three articles in the “Recent Posts” list at the top right of this page. Maybe that gives you a clue how to how to post something every time a new page goes up.

    I follow almost 300 webcomics and graphic novels. That wouldn’t be possible without RSS feeds.

    1. Pat

      It was late when I posted that; and I didn’t notice that I was on the Archives page instead of the Home page. Each of the RSS items corresponds to a Home page article. So, just post something there to let us know when a new page is up. Ideally, either a copy of the page or including a link to it.

      1. steven Post author

        ok but I changed a setting just now, in Settings > Reading > “Your homepage displays”, I ticked “latest posts”, maybe that will do it, we’ll see, I’ll post a new page later today 🙂

        1. steven Post author

          ok it didn’t work from within the Comic plugin I use, which is a shame, but like you say I just have to post everything twice from now on, it should work, let me know if it doesn’t 🙂

          1. Pat

            Yep, that did it. Not quite the same as the first three – I had to change viewing mode to see the page; but there was a new item in the feed; which is the important part.

            By the way, I’m using the FeedBro addon for Firefox; if you want an easy way to check your feed.

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